World Songs Artist A to Z

Artist Names Starting From "Farid"No. of Songs
Farid - FrenchTotal Songs "20"
Farid.midi Total Songs "7"
Farid Jafarli Total Songs "7"
Farid Pars - PersianTotal Songs "6"
Farid Audee Total Songs "4"
Farid Jaik - SpanishTotal Songs "3"
Farid El Atrache - ArabicTotal Songs "3"
Farid Othman - IndonesianTotal Songs "2"
Farid Ortiz - SpanishTotal Songs "2"
Farida Total Songs "2"
Farid Ben - OccitanTotal Songs "2"
Farid Naffah - SpanishTotal Songs "2"
Faridinho Total Songs "2"
Farida Caprice - JavaneseTotal Songs "1"
Farid Bilgin - TurkishTotal Songs "1"
Farid Audee & Reverend Le Total Songs "1"
Farid Sabri - HindiTotal Songs "1"
Farid Audee & Marlena Rose Total Songs "1"

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